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Workforce Energy 培训 through School of Energy

通过能源学院为期一天的学分课程满足您的劳动力培训需求. 要求, 我们提供的培训课程是为目前在该行业工作的任何人设计的. If you don’t see the course you are looking for, give us a call. We offer customized trainings!

Energy 培训 Courses

Basic principles of wellbore, 井口, and Christmas tree design and operation for lease operators (aka MSOs, field technicians, 消防车).  标准术语,以促进有关维护问题和潜在故障的有效沟通, leading to basic operations and troubleshooting tasks.

Basic principles of separator and tank design for production operations. 包括太阳集团娱乐场登陆网站有效沟通的标准术语:分离原则, separator components, preventive maintenance, and operational efficiencies; types of tanks, regulatory compliance, maintenance issues, and reasons for tank failure.

柱塞举升系统的基本原理及其与井口分离器的关系.  标准术语,以促进有效的沟通有关增量液化,以最大提升, maintenance issues, and potential malfunctions.  By understanding and correctly identifying plunger lift system design and function, students will be able to perform basic operations and troubleshooting tasks.

Basic principles of the design and operation of a pumping unit aka beam lift, and its relationship to the 井口 separator. 标准术语,以促进有关维护问题和潜在故障的有效沟通.  通过理解和正确识别抽油机(地面设备和井下插入泵)的设计和功能, students will be able to perform basic operations and troubleshooting tasks.

Basic principles of the design and operation of gas lift. 标准术语,以促进有关维护问题和潜在故障的有效沟通.  By correctly identifying gas lift design and function, 学生将能够理解如何操作和执行气举井的基本故障排除.

Basic principles of the design and operation of gas measurement. 标准术语,以促进有关维护问题和潜在故障的有效沟通.  技能, 技术, 以及正确执行常规气体测量和正确记录数据的程序,以满足政府法规和公司要求. Additional topics: natural gas composition; types of meters; auxiliary equipment; sampling; inspection of measurement equipment; gas sales contracts & unaccounted-for (g主人) gas.

脱水的基本原理,脱水机的滑橇设计,以及生产操作的操作. 包括标准术语,以促进有关维护问题和滑块部件潜在故障的有效沟通. Covers basic troubleshooting.

Basic principles of the design and operation of automation. Identifying automation equipment and its location on the well site. 促进太阳集团娱乐场登陆网站故障排除和潜在故障的有效沟通的术语.  Offers an overview of generic automation components including the solar panel, RTU, 主人, 终端设备, 等. and includes rationale for and economic value of automation. Introduces digital multimeter (DMM) use.

Basic principles of compression, and compressor skid design and operation for production operations; includes standard terminology to promote effective communication regarding maintenance issues and potential malfunctions of skid components. Covers design and function for basic troubleshooting.

管线定位的基本理论包括埋地管线和井位管线. Lecture and equipment training; students must be able to walk long distances, including steep inclines.

Basic science of electricity current flow, 电压, 电阻, AC / DC电路, 无功负载, 阻抗, and basic concepts of electrical generation, 等., including basic electrical safety.

Internal combustion engines: combustion characteristics, lean burn and rich burn engines, 3 major components required for combustion, 等.

Basic compressor valve operation; how to use valves for optimization; includes repair and troubleshooting.

Use of the multimeter, a measuring tool/device, in all its capabilities—Ohms, 电容, 电阻, AC / DC电压, 等. (use Fluke 87 multi-meter, or students can bring their own).

Chemical components of emissions; combustion control and emissions; emissions laws and standards; demonstrations and use of emissions analyzer.

How to read precise measuring instruments, 包括在里面, 外, depth micrometers, 卡尺, 卷尺, 等.

Basic design and operation of typical produced water disposal well and equipment. 指导为学生提供标准术语,以促进有关注水井的有效沟通, 除储罐问题和潜在故障外,负责地面设备的操作和维护.

Brief overview of where and how compressors were introduced to produce natural gas. 覆盖压缩机用于加速气体的运动,同时提供增加的管道和减少来自井口的收集系统压力, through a treatment plant, 致“最终用户”.井口压缩机撬撬外部部件识别和操作的基础知识. 包括发现停机原因和安全返回压缩机撬到全面运行.

课程介绍了提高操作效率的基本原理,重点介绍了两级三相分离器和LPUD, 了解每个阀门的流程,了解阀门和控制器作为一个系统是如何工作的.  学生将了解控制系统的功能和测试方法.  该课程还侧重于冬季操作中用于确保操作效率的防寒技术.

本课程提供碳氢化合物储罐液体和天然气测量的测量方法和法规要求的指导. Class will include API calculations and regulations for measuring both liquids and gas. 学生将被介绍到准确和不准确的测量方法的经济学.

基本的设计和操作如何防止内部和外部腐蚀的问题,为油 & 天然气工业. 指导为学生提供标准的术语,以促进有效的沟通,了解腐蚀是如何产生的,以及如果不使用它会导致的操作和经济问题.

学生将学习太阳集团娱乐场登陆网站目击和由此产生的财务影响的有效沟通的标准术语. By understanding measurement and witnessing 技术, students will be able to perform basic inspections and corrections. Course includes natural gas composition; meter construction; auxiliary equipment; sampling; inspection of equipment; and gas sales contracts.

本课程介绍在井场常见类型的阀门和控制器的基本原理, how they function and their applications.  Students will gain an understanding of how to identify symptoms of improper operation, common causes of failures and how to make minor repairs/adjustments.  他们还将拆卸和组装几种类型的控制器,以方便他们对维修的理解, maintenance and operation of the valves and controllers.

本课程介绍井场常用压力和温度控制器的基本原理, how they function and their applications.  Students will gain an understanding of how to identify symptoms of improper operation, common causes of failures and how to make minor repairs/adjustments. 他们还将拆卸和组装几种类型的控制器,以方便他们对维修的理解, maintenance and operation of the devices.

Course presents the basic concepts of lease acquisition and development costs. 投资回报率与公司的战略和经济健康有关. 货币的净现值和未来价值的概念与生产和销售有关.

Course presents the basic concepts of chemical use in the oil and gas industry. 讨论了几种常见化学应用的基本描述及其在现场应用中的工作原理. A basic description of various chemical treatments and how they are applied.

Phone: (505) 566-4100
5301 College Blvd
m - f8a.m. - 5 p.m.